RELI 448N Week 4 Midterm Exam
(RELI 448N Week 4 Midterm Exam)
- Question: Which of the following is not one of the 8 Elements of Religion?
- Question: If the Divine is … beyond space and time, it is:
- Question: A technique that sets aside ordinary categories of analysis and makes use, instead, of … perspectives on cultural elements is:
- Question: The outsider’s view, which attempts to take as objective an approach as possible to the study of religion, is:
- Question: The philosophical position that all apparently separate realities are ultimately one is … :
- Question: Vishnu has ten major incarnations called:
- Question: Which of the following is not one of the 5 castes of India?
- Question: The physical postures and practices that we most associate with the term “yoga” are more accurately … :
- Question: Written meditations on the spiritual essence of the universe and the self are … :
- Question: The spiritual discipline of devotion to a deity or a teacher is … :
- Question: The “royal” discipline of meditation is … :
- Question: The Buddha of the Western Paradise is … :
- Question: This term literally means impermanence:
- Question: A term for the cycle of birth, old age, sickness, death, and rebirth:
- Question: A sacred text that records the words of the Buddha is … a:
- Question: The approach to Buddhism that rejects the personal quest for enlightenment, instead embracing the idea that enlightenment must … universally shared by all sentient beings is … :
- Question: A book of sayings attributed to Confucius and his early disciples is the:
- Question: The receptive aspect of reality that expresses itself in silence, darkness, and coolness is … :
- Question: After the Bible, the “________” is the world’s most frequently translated book.
- Question: The “second sage” of Confucianism was:
- Question: Compare and contrast Sigmund Freud’s theory about the origin of religions with William James’s theory. How does each of these psychologists view religion (positively or negatively)? Now analyze how the insights of Freud orJames might illuminate one of the religious traditions we have studied so far. How would Freud or James understand that tradition? Use specific examples to support your answer (e.g., a specific belief or ritual).