POLI 330N Week 8 Final Exam Essay
(POLI 330N Week 8 Final Exam Essay Questions)
The download includes 16(Sixteen) Essay Questions with Answers compiled from last 3(three) years POLI 330N Week 8 Final Exams:
- Question: (TCO 9) What are the causes of poverty and instability in least developed countries?
- Question: (TCO 7) Assess at least two economic problems the United States faces today. In the assessment, explain the economic issues and what a conservative and modern liberal administration would most likely do to mitigate the problem.
- Question: (TCO 2) Describe a region of the world that has been successful in moving from a dictatorship to a democracy. In your description, explain the various components making this transition successful.
- Question: (TCO 2) Develop a thesis on why it is hard for emerging nations to democratize.
- Question: (TCO 7) Describe what economic factors distinguish a conservative, liberal, and socialist in the United States.
- Question: (TCO 2) What types of states are most likely to become authoritarian? Why? Along the same lines, what authoritarian states have been most likely to democratize? Under what circumstances does this democratization occur and why? Based on previous findings, describe one country you think is likely to democratize in the near future.
- Question: Compare And Contrast Interest Groups And Political Parties. Provide Example Of Their Similarities And Differences. In Addition, Please Assess What Advantages Interest Groups Offer That Political Parties Don’t And Viceversa.
- Question: Compare And Contrast Single Member Districts And Pr. How Effective Is Each Electoral System In Representing Its People’s Interests. How Does Each Support The Party System Around Which It Arouse? Give Examples From Within Us And Uk Systems To Support Your Response.
- Question: Democracy Has Changed Dramatically Since Its Original Application In Ancient Athens. Describe The Evolution Of Democracy By Comparing And Contrasting Direct Democracy With Representative Democracy. In Completing This Comparison, Be Sure To Incorporate Aristotle’s Concerns About Democracy And Assess The Stability Offered By These Variations Within Democracy.
- Question: (TCO 6) Socialism has evolved over the centuries from Karl Marx’s original purposed theories. The first change took place with Leninism, and now many liberal societies incorporate a mild form of socialism referred to as social democracy. Your analysis should include a comparison of these forms of government and explain how and why socialism split into these several varieties.
- Question: (TCO 2) Evaluate Aristotle’s six types of government. In doing so, please be sure to list and define the categorizations. Please then assess how these classifications can be useful today to someone analyzing current governmental structures.
- Question: Explain the relationship between electoral systems and party systems. Answers should be sure to assess this question from the perspective of both proportional representation and single-member districts and provide examples to support your points.
- Question: The United States has utilized multiple forms of liberalism throughout its history. Please distinguish the specific characteristics of classical and modern liberalism and outline the evolution of these forms of liberalism within the United States. Please be sure to include specific historic examples to support your points.
- Question: Today’s world seems to be moving beyond sovereignty and toward supranational leadership to cooperate on issues of global importance. What are some of these issues? How might they be solved through supranational cooperation? Does such cooperation impede the sovereignty of independent nations? Please sure to include specific examples in supporting your points.
- Question: (TCO 3) Compare and contrast interest groups and political parties. In your response, be sure to provide examples their similarities and differences. In addition, please assess what advantages interest groups offer that political parties don’t and then what advantages d political parties offer that interest groups don’t.
- Question: (TCO 6) Since the end of WWII, international relations have been framed by the conflict between liberal governments and communist ideals. Compare and contrast the features of these systems and assess their continued impact on the global community. Please be certain to explain classical and modern liberalism, socialism, and communism within your responses and provide examples to support your points.