POLI 330N Week 2 Quiz Solutions
POLI 330N Week 2 Quiz
POLI 330N Week 2 Quiz
- Question: (TCO 6) In establishing the American democratic republic, the Founding Fathers borrowed from the works of all of the following earlier thinkers EXCEPT Thomas Hobbes
- Question: (TCO 6) What tool enables branches of government to resist any illegitimate expansion of power by other branches?
- Question: (TCO 6) Which of the following terms best describes the U.S. government today?
- Question: (TCO 6) In The Republic, what common theme is explored throughout Socrates’ text?
- Question: (TCO 6) Which writer’s vision of utopia could not happen without revolution?
- Question: (TCO 6) Which of the following best represents the ideas of John Locke?
- Question: (TCO 6) Which country has the modern world’s first, and oldest, constitutional democracy?
- Question: (TCO 6) Which writer’s utopianism was based on the notion: “From each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs”?
- Question: (TCO 6) Which author focused on how to “arrange” society in a methodological way?
- Question: (TCO 6) Even if we could create a utopian society, why would it not survive?
POLI 330N Week 2 Quiz
- Question: (TCO 6) What did Marx believe would happen once private property was … ?
- Question: (TCO 6) In establishing the American democratic republic, the Founding Fathers borrowed from the works of all of the following earlier thinkers EXCEPT
- Question: (TCO 6) Which of the following is an idea inherent in a constitutional democracy?
- Question: (TCO 6) Whose work is … to offer a dystopian vision of society?
- Question: (TCO 6) With its emphasis on science, education and toleration, what word would best describe Bacon’s society
- Question: (TCO 6) What term describes the concept of a form of government ruled by active citizens rather than elected/appointed officials?
- Question: (TCO 6) Even if we could create a utopian society, why would it not survive?
- Question: (TCO 6) In The Republic, what common theme is explored throughout Socrates’ text?
- Question: (TCO 6) Which of the following terms best describes the U.S. government today?
- Question: (TCO 6) What tool enables branches of government to resist any illegitimate expansion of power by other branches?
POLI-330N Week 2 Quiz
- Question: In the Western tradition, what does the broad meaning of “justice” involve?
- Question: Even if we could create a utopian society, why would it not survive?
- Question: In The Republic, what common theme is explored throughout Socrates’ text?
- Question: Which of the following best represents the ideas of John Locke?
- Question: Which of the following is false?
- Question: Which of the following is an idea inherent in a constitutional democracy?
- Question: In establishing the American democratic republic, the Founding Fathers borrowed from the works of all of the following earlier thinkers EXCEPT
- Question: What was the legislative body of the United States was … ?
- Question: What is essential to the success of any government?
- Question: What did Marx believe would happen once private property was eliminated?
POLI 330N Week 2 Quiz
- Question: (TCO 6) Which of the following is false?
- Question: (TCO 6) What tool enables branches of government to resist any illegitimate expansion of power by the other branches?
- Question: (TCO 6) With its emphasis on science, education and toleration, what word would best describe Bacon’ s society?
- Question: (TCO 6) In establishing the American democratic republic, the Founding Fathers borrowed from the works of all of the following earlier thinkers EXEPT
- Question: (TCO 6) What did Marx believe would happen once private property was … ?
- Question: (TCO 6) Even if we could create a utopian society, why would it not survive?
- Question: (TCO 6) Which writer’s utopianism was based on notion: “From each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs”?
- Question: (TCO 6) In the western tradition, what does the broad meaning if ‘justice’ involve?
- Question: (TCO 6) Which writer’s vision of utopia could not happen without revolution?
- Question: (TCO 6) Which term describes the concept of form of government ruled by active citizens rather than elected/appointed officials?