NR 661 Week 3 APEA Module: Dermatology / Skin Disorders – APEA Practice Exam 2
- Question: A 16 year-old male has nodulocystic acne. What might have the greatest positive impact in managing his acne?
- Question: An infant is … with diaper dermatitis. Satellite lesions are visible. This should be … with a:
moisture barrier like zinc oxide. - Question: A patient who is at high risk for skin cancer should:
- Question: The nurse practitioner identifies satellite lesions in a 6 month-old infant. These are:
- Question: A “herald patch” is a hallmark finding in which condition?
- Question: A 10 year-old has thick, demarcated plaques on her elbows. Which features are suggestive of psoriasis?
- Question: Johnson is a 74 year old who presents with a pearly-domed nodular looking lesion on the back of the neck. It does not hurt or itch. What is a likely etiology?
- Question: Impetigo is … by:
- Question: A patient exhibits petechiae on both lower legs but has no other complaints. How should the NP proceed?
- Question: A 74 year-old is … with shingles. The NP is deciding how to best manage her care. What should … prescribed?
- Question: A patient has been … with MRSA. She is sulfa allergic. Which medication could … used to treat her?
- Question: A patient calls your office. He states that he just came in from the woods and discovered a tick on his upper arm. He states that he has removed the tick and the area is slightly red. What should he … advised?
- Question: What is the proper technique to safely remove a tick from a human?
- Question: The most common place for basal cell carcinoma to … found is the:
- Question: 28 year-old has thick, demarcated plaques on her elbows. Which features are suggestive of psoriasis?
- Question: An example of a premalignant lesion that develops on sun-damaged skin is:
- Question: A 70 year-old is… with multiple cherry angiomas. The nurse practitioner knows that:
- Question: The American Cancer Society uses an ABCDE pneumonic to help patients develop awareness of
- Question: A patient who is at high risk for skin cancer should:
- Question: Which of the following areas of the body has the greatest percutaneous absorption?
- Question: Topical treatment for basal cell carcinoma is:
- Question: What finding characterizes shingles?
- Question: Hand-foot-and-mouth disease and herpangina:
- Question: A patient who has been in the sun for the past few weeks is very tanned. He has numerous 3-6 mm light colored flat lesions on his trunk. What is the likely etiology?
- Question: A patient is … with tinea pedis. A microscopic examination of the sample taken from the infected area would likely demonstrate:
- Question: A pregnant mother in her first trimester has a 5 year-old who has Fifth Disease. What implication does this have for the mother?
- Question: A patient presents with small vesicles on the lateral edges of his fingers and intense itching. On close inspection, there are small vesicles on the palmar surface of the hand. What is this called?
- Question: A patient will … taking oral terbinafine for fingernail fungus. The NP knows that:
- Question: The nurse practitioner examines a patient who has had poison ivy for 3 days. She asks if she can spread it
- Question: A 6 year-old patient with sore throat has coryza, hoarseness, and diarrhea. What is the likely etiology?
- Question: A 40 year-old female patient presents to the clinic with multiple, painful reddened nodules on the anterior surface of both legs. She is concerned. These are probably associated with her history of:
- Question: What advice should … given to a parent who has a child with Fifth Disease?
- Question: Which test is NOT suitable to diagnose shingles if the clinical presentation is questionable?
- Question: A 68 year old female adult with pendulous breasts complains of “burning” under her right breast. The nurse practitioner observes a malodorous discharge with mild maceration under both breasts. What is this?
- Question: A patient has suspected scarlet fever. He likely has a sandpaper rash and:
- Question: A 4 year-old has been … with measles. The nurse practitioner identifies Koplik’s spots. These are:
- Question: A patient presents with plaques on the extensor surface of the elbows, knees, and back. The plaques are erythematous and there are thick, silvery scales. This is likely:
- Question: A 15 year-old male has worked this summer as a lifeguard at a local swimming pool. He complains of itching in the groin area. He is … with tinea cruris. The nurse practitioner is likely to identify:
- Question: A 6 year-old has been … with Lyme disease. Which drug should … used to treat him?
- When can a child with chickenpox return to daycare?
- Question: The agent commonly used to treat patients with scabies is permethrin. How often is it applied to eradicate scabies?
- Question: A 16 year-old has been … with Lyme disease. Which drug should … used to treat him?
- Question: A 60 year-old patient is noted to have rounding of the distal phalanx of the fingers. What might have
- Question: Which of the following lesions never blanches when pressure is applied?
- Question: Patients with atopic dermatitis are likely to exhibit:
- Question: A patient has been … with scabies. What is the medication of choice to treat this?
- Question: Which of the following antibiotics may increase the likelihood of photosensitivity?
- Question: The term caput succedaneum refers to:
- Question: A patient is … to have koilonychia. What laboratory test would … prudent to perform?
- Question: Which of the following skin lesions in the elderly is a premalignant condition?
- Question: A key component of the approach to a patient who has atopic dermatitis is hydration. Which agent should … avoided?
- Question: A child has 8-10 medium brown café au lait spots > 1 cm in diameter. The differential diagnosis should
- Question: Which chronic skin disorder primarily affects hairy areas of the body?
- Question: The primary therapeutic intervention for patients who present with hives is:
- Question: A patient has a “herald patch” and is … with pityriasis rosea. Where is the “herald patch” … ?
- Question: An adolescent has acne. The nurse practitioner prescribed a benzoyl peroxide product for him. What
- Question: An example of a first generation cephalosporin used to treat a skin infection is:
- Question: A 9 year-old has been … with chickenpox. A drug that should … avoided in him is:
- Question: A patient has a lower leg wound that appears infected. It is red, warm to touch and edematous. He had an acute onset of pain, symptoms, and low grade fever. What is this?
- Question: The main difference between cellulitis and erysipelas is the:
- Question: Most cases of atopic dermatitis exacerbation are … with:
- Question: The best way to evaluate jaundice … with liver disease is to observe:
- Question: A 3 year-old female had a fever of 102 degrees F for 3 days. Today she woke up from a nap and is afebrile.
- Question: A patient was burned with hot water. He has several large fluid filled lesions. What are these termed?
- Question: A patient reports that he found a tick on himself about one month ago. He reports that there is a red circle and a white center near where he remembers the tick bite. He did not seek treatment at the time. Today he
- Question: The lesions seen in a patient with folliculitis might … filled with:
- Question: 9 year-old female has presented to your clinic because of a rash on the left, upper area of her anterior trunk. She is embarrassed and very reticent to lift her blouse because her nipple will … exposed. How should the NP proceed?
- Question: An adolescent takes isotretinoin for nodulocystic acne. She is on oral contraceptives. Both were … by the dermatologist. The adolescent arrives in your clinic with a sinus infection. Her temperature is 99.5 degrees F and her blood pressure is 160/100. How should this … managed?
- Question: The most common form of skin cancer is:
- Question: A 74 year-old male patient has sustained a laceration to his foot. His last tetanus shot was more than 10 years ago. He has completed the primary series. What should … recommended?
- Question: The nurse practitioner is examining a 3-month old infant who has normal development. She has identified an alopecic area at the occiput. What should … done?
- Question: A patient with a primary case of scabies was probably … :
- Question: A child with a sandpaper textured rash probably has:
- Question: Topical 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is used to treat:
- Question: A microscopic examination of the sample taken from a skin lesion indicates hyphae. What type infection might this indicate?
- Question: The Western blot is positive. How should he … managed?
- Question: A patient has used a high potency topical steroid cream for years to treat psoriasis exacerbations when they occur. She presents today and states that this cream “just doesn’t work anymore.” What word describes this?
- Question: A 71 year-old female presents with a vesicular rash that burns and itches. Shingles is … An oral antiviral:
- Question: A patient has seborrheic dermatitis. Which vehicle would … most appropriate to use in the hairline area to treat this?
- Question: A patient reports to the minor care area of the emergency department after … bitten by a dog. The patient states that the dog had a tag around his neck and … roaming around the neighborhood. The dog did not exhibit any odd behavior. How should this … managed?
- Question: A skin lesion fluoresces under a Wood’s lamp. What microscopic finding is consistent with this?
- Question: A skin disorder has a hallmark finding of silvery scales. What word below describes this common condition?
- Question: A young child has developed a circumferential lesion on her inner forearm. It is slightly raised, red and is pruritic. It is about 2.5 cm in diameter. This is probably related to:
- Question: A skin lesion which is a solid mass is … as a:
- Question: A patient with diabetes has a right lower leg that has recently become edematous, erythematous, and tender to touch over the anterior shin. There is no evidence of pus, but the leg is warm to touch. What is the most likely diagnosis to consider?
- Question: An elderly patient has been … with shingles on the right lateral aspect of her trunk. It appeared initially yesterday. It is very painful. How should she … managed?