NR 606 Week 8 Reflection on Learning
- Describe how the assigned readings, activities, assessments, and clinical experiences in this course helped you to meet Program Outcome 5: Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary Nursing) Provide at least two specific examples.
- Select one of the competencies from AACN Essentials Domain 3 listed below and describe how learning in this course helped you to meet the advanced-level nursing education competency. Provide at least two specific examples. Competency 3.1m: Develop a collaborative approach with relevant stakeholders to address population healthcare needs, including evaluation methods.
- Select one National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Links to an external site. (NONPF) Quality Competency listed below and describe how learning in this course helped you to meet the competency. Provide at least two specific examples. NP 1.1i: Translate evidence from nursing science and other sciences into NP practice