Preparing the Assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
Include the following sections:
I. Application of Course Knowledge
- Select an audience for whom to create a teaching tool related to ACEs and trauma-informed care. Audiences may include:
- Educators
- Social workers
- Primary care providers
- Foster/adoptive parents
- Law enforcement
- Use canva.comLinks to an external site. or another infographic development tool of your choice to create a teaching tool for the selected audience. Include the following in the infographic:
o Describe ACEs
- Provide a definition of ACEs.
- Describe implications for mental health.
- Describe implications for physical health.
- Identify types of ACEs.
- Provide a link to a valid ACE screening tool.
o Trauma-informed care
- Identify the intended audience.
- Provide at least three strategies for working with children or youth who have experienced ACEs.
- Select strategies specific to the intended audience.
II. Professionalism in Communication: Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation. Use the following format:
- Readability: Font is legible and appropriately spaced.
- Language: Appropriate language for the educational level of the selected audience.
- Organization: Layout allows the selected audience to read the information in a few minutes and comprehend its value.
- References: Provide references in APA format at the bottom of the infographic in smaller font. Bullets may be used. Hanging indents and in-text citations are not required.
III. Submission Requirement: Review the criteria below for your submission.
- Submit a PDF, .png, or .jpg file of the infographic.
- Include a screenshot of the infographic from Canva or the platform of your choice that includes the date and time it was created. See the example below.
- The screenshot should match the infographic submitted.
IV. Best Practices: The following are best practices in preparing this assignment:
- Review directions thoroughly.
- Follow submission requirements.
- Include all elements on the grading rubric.
- Follow rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation consistent with formal, scientific writing.
- Correctly cite and reference ideas and information that comes from scholarly literature.
- Abide by Chamberlain University academic integrity policy.