NR 602 Midterm Exam Week 4 – Real Exam
NR 602 Midterm Exam
- Question: Role-play with equipment during the course of a physical examination would be most beneficial with which of the following groups?
- Question: What is the Ortolani Sign?
- Question: When performing a physical examination of a toddler, which of the following body parts would examine last?
- Question: What are three findings using Jones criteria for Rheumatic Fever?
- Question: While examining a 4-month-old boy, you are unable to palpate one of his testes. The next most appropriate step is:
- Question: Concurrent Otitis media and Conjunctivitis is likely due to which?
- Question: What is the appropriate management of a child with asthma who presents with acute wheezing and/or coughing?
- Question: Sandra, age 12 years, has several vesicles and honey-colored crusted lesions on her face above the right nares. She has a history of having a bad scratch in the same area several days ago. What condition do you suspect?
- Question: The most appropriate management of a 5-year old with a firm nontender nodule in the mid-upper eyelid for 3 weeks would be:
- Question: A 10-month-old child has been diagnosed with gastroenteritis. He attends a child care facility. What is the most likely cause of illness?
- Question: If a child or any patient describes a “pop” in the knee. What is this indicative of?
- Question: A 7-year-old African American female presents with several hyperkeratotic raised, periungual lesions on the two middle fingers of her left hand. She has a history of nail biting. The most likely diagnosis is:
- Question: Management of scoliosis depends on the severity of curve as well as the age of the child. Which of the following would require surgical intervention?
- Question: Treatment of true central precocious puberty is best achieved with:
- Question: Baby Sally was in your office last week for her 6-month checkup. Her weight was 7 kg. Today she presents with diarrhea and vomiting for 4 days. Today her weight is 6.5 kg. What is her percentage of dehydration?
- Question: Which of the following would be the most appropriate initial management of a newborn diagnosed with developmental dysplasia of the hip?
- Question: When considering catch up vaccination in children for IPV vaccinations, it is important to understand one of the following considerations is NOT a consideration when administering the vaccine:
- Question: An essential test in the evaluation of a 2-year-old being managed for Kawasaki disease is:
- Question: A 4-week-old presents to your office in mid=January with a 1-week history of nasal congestion and occasional cough. On the evening prior to this visit, the infant developed a temperature of 102, refused to breastfeed, and had proximal coughing and noisy, labored breathing. On exam, you note an ill-appearing infant who is lethargic with tachypnea.
- Question: What needs to … included when educating parents about a febrile seizure?
- Question: A 4-year-old boy is brought in by his mother, who is concerned about the sudden onset of a painful limp in his right leg 2 days ago? Today he has a low-grade fever. Which of the following … is most likely?
- Question: In addition to penicillin, all of the following antibiotics can … used to treat strep pharyngitis except:
- Question: Primary dysmenorrhea is due to:
- Question: Which behavior would NOT … expected in a two-year old?
- Question: The most common congenital heart defect in children is:
- Question: Michael is a 15-year-old high school student who presents for a school sports physical. He appears to be in good health but is concerned about a bad headache he had a few weeks ago. He is concerned because his mother’s friend dried of a brain tumor. You tell Michael that the most common type of headache with onset in adolescence is:
- Question: Treatment for testicular torsion primarily?
- Question: What is important to understand about encopresis?
- Question: Newborn W.R. has a vascular lesion that will not fade as she gets older. What is your diagnosis?
- Question: Vomiting in infancy has a long list of differential diagnosis. Which accompanying symptom would most likely point to pyloric stenosis?
- Question: Which malignancy is … with genitourinary anomalies?
- Question: A child has mild persistent asthma. Appropriate daily medication should include:
- Question: A 3-year-old has an edematous, mildly erythematous right upper eyelid for 1 day with a fever of 103. An important eye assessment would be:
- Question: What diagnosis should … considered if the infant has not passed meconium in the first 24 hours of life?
- Question: A child with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) can present with which asymptomatic condition that warrants close to follow up?
- Question: A 15-month-old failed treatment with amoxicillin for otitis media. At his 2-week recheck, his TM remained red with distorted landmarks, and he persisted with nasal congestion and poor nighttime sleeping, and he has had 101 fever for the past 2 days. The next best step would … to treat with:
- Question: Which of the following is an absolute contraindication for use of combined hormonal contraceptives in adolescent women?
- Question: The most common trigger for an acute asthma episode in the very young child is:
- Question: Which of the following findings could … to occur in a baby with intussusception?
- Question: The appropriate management of Osgood-Schlatter disease includes:
- Question: In a healthy, 8-month-old with diarrhea but no dehydration, what would be most appropriate advice to give parents?
- Question: The most common rheumatoid disease of childhood is:
- Question: When assessing for croup, what is a common finding on xray?
- Question: Which chromosomal abnormality is … with short statue in girls?
- Question: Which activities are common in a 4-5 year-old child?
- Question: A 14-year-old female presents to the clinic and is demonstrating some hesitancy in discussing an important issue regarding her self-identity. What is the appropriate actions on behalf of the clinician?
- Question: The most definitive feature or features for a diagnosing of “growing pains” includes:
- Question: When examining an adolescent between the ages of 10-13 years of age it is important to remember what characteristic regarding socio-emotional development?
- Question: On exam, an 8 year old being seen at your clinic with complaints of persistent pain to left leg with limp. What is the most likely cause of this condition?
- Question: Cara is a 16-year-old adolescent who has been sexually active with… male partner for 6 months. They have used condoms consistently. Cara is interested in a hormonal method as well. Your advice includes all of the following except which one?
- Question: Role=play with equipment during the course of a physical examination would … most beneficial with which of the following age groups?
- Question: For children 2 to 4 years of age, the most common cause of head injury is:
- Question: In a healthy, 8-month-old with diarrhea but no dehydration, what would … the most appropriate advice to give parents?
- Question: The appropriate management of Osgood-Schlatter disease includes:
- Question: The organism that causes hand, foot, mouth syndrome is what virus?
- Question: Judy has a history of remission and exacerbation of acne that has followed the pattern of menses for 2 years. However, the condition over the last 6 months has worsened to a moderate degree of severity and has been chronic and persistent. You prescribe…
- Question: Which malignancy is … with genitourinary anomalies?
- Question: A 15-month-old failed treatment with amoxicillin for otitis media. AT his 2-week recheck, his TM remained red and distorted…..
- Question: Which of the following is not considered preventative management for iron0deficiency anemia?
- Question: In mild to moderate attacks of asthma, albuterol should … given every 4-5 hours PRN and routine medications should:
- Question: In addition to penicillin, all of the following antibiotics can … to treat strep pharyngitis except:
- Question: The most definitive feature or features for a diagnosis of “growing pains” includes:
- Question: Which of the following foods would … appropriate for a child with celiac disease?
- Question: When performing a physical examination of a toddler, which of the following body parts would you examine last?
- Question: Daily eyelid cleaning with diluted baby shampoo and a cotton-tipped applicator would … appropriate in the treatment of which of the following conditions?
- Question: Primary dysmenorrhea is due to:
- Question: Management of scoliosis depends on the severity of curve as well as the age of the child. Which of the following would require surgical intervention?
- Question: A 10-year old has marked ear pain, not wanting anyone to touch his ear. The canal is edematous and exudate is present. TM Is normal. How should this … managed?
- Question: Patients with otitis externa should … instructed to do which of the following?
- Question: A 2-year-old female has lymphedema of the hands and feet, with low posterior hairline, cubitus valgus, and a history of intrauterine growth restrictions. Which of the following defects is the most common among the children with these signs?