NR 542 Week 3 Assignment
This 2-to-4-page paper presents a database plan for a nursing or healthcare problem dealt with in the past or active in the present. Explain the problem and the reason(s) a database is needed. Provide a conceptual data model for the planned database. Name all the entities … for the database and justify their selection. In an appendix, provide an E-R diagram that shows each entity, names the identifier for each entity, and illustrates the relationships between each entity, noting the cardinality. In the paper, write a narrative explanation of key parts of the E-R diagram, including how you arrived at some of the decisions on relationships and cardinality. Include three questions … for this database (the original questions from the discussion in week 1 may be used). Provide a recap of the paper and discuss insights on databases developed as a result of working on this assignment. Support all decisions from the scholarly literature.
Preparing The Paper
Criteria for Content:
- An introduction informs about the topic of the paper and how it is …
- Explanation of the … problem and why it needs a database as an information-management solution
- Explanation of a conceptual data model for the … database
- All entities … for the database are …
- A justification or rationale for each entity is …
- The E-R diagram for each entity is … briefly in the text and is found in an appendix. The E-R diagrams can be … for individual entities … to all other relevant entities or a single E-R diagram showing all entities and their relationships may …
- The identifier for each entity is … The identifier can … in the paper or … with the E-R diagram in the appendix.
- The relationships between entities are … briefly in text and … , including cardinality, in the E-R diagram in the appendix or in a separate appendix.
- Three questions … for the database are … The original questions … in week 1 discussion may … questions may …
- A conclusion that recaps the paper and discusses insights … from working on this assignment is …
Criteria for Paper Format and Special Instructions:
- E-R diagrams will be in an appendix with your 3 questions on the document.
- Illustrations of entity relationships will … in an appendix
- Drawings can … done with Microsoft Office tools, or with third-party software
- The database project will … in Microsoft Excel or Access
- All aspects of the paper must be in current APA format
- Only scholarly literature is … to support decisions
- The paper (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) must be 2-4 pages.
- A minimum of 3 references are …. One of the course texts may … as a reference.
- Grammar, spelling, punctuation, citations, and references are consistent with formal academic writing.