NR 541 Discussion Questions
NR-541 Week 1 Discussion – Collection
Apply the concepts of data-information-knowledge-wisdom (DIKW) to a situation in your current area of practice. Now take that example one step further as you consider how nursing informatics can support or improve that transformation and your active role as an INS in the process.
NR 541 Week 2 Discussion: NI Functional Areas, Competencies, and Supporting Sciences
The American Nurses Association described 13 functional areas in Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of Practice in its efforts to clarify what informatics nurse specialists do and to help eliminate historical confusion associated with the variety of different titles under which informatics nurse specialists work. Now that you have had the opportunity to review this week’s lesson and the Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of Practice document please discuss each of the following:
How do the functional areas outlined by the American Nurses Association compare and contrast with your initial thoughts of what nursing informatics practice entailed?
Which functional area(s) best match your aspirations for nursing informatics practice and why?
How did your self-ranking reflect those functional areas, and what if anything, do you need to do or learn more about to work in those functional areas?
NR-541 Week 3 Discussion – Collection
You have been asked to write the job description of an entry-level informatics nurse specialist position for a healthcare delivery system that encompasses 14 regional hospitals, several ambulatory care and urgent care settings, and multiple physician practices. Using the American Nurses Association Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of Practice as your guide what would you list for each of the following (include your rationale):
NR 541 Week 4 Discussion
As an INS which of your functional areas and practice standards support telehealth? Please provide specific examples and literature support.
NR-541 Week 5 Discussion – Collection
Select one of the following trends (or another trend of interest to you). Discuss your understanding of this trend in healthcare and its relevance for INS practice. As an INS leader, what recommendations do you have for managing these impacts?
- Increased use of artificial intelligence
- Shared decision making
- Data analytics and data science
- 3-D printing
- Patient portals and consumer health informatics
- Magnet recognition program
- Cloud computing
- Secondary data use
- Informatics nurses in the executive suite
- Interdisciplinary practice
- Patient engagement
- Closing the digital divide
NR 541 Week 6 Discussion – Collection
Select one ethical, legal, reimbursement, or accreditation issue to discuss that has implications for your practice as an INS and address how you would best handle them in practice.
NR-541 Week 7 Discussion – Collection
Address some form of wearable or implantable technology that is/can be used -to monitor patients and/or transmit and receive data for healthcare purposes. Provide an overview on how it is or may be used to monitor/improve health, technical requirements for set-up and use, risks and/or concerns.
NR 541 Week 8 Discussion: Interoperability and Technical Standards – Collection
Discuss the role that interoperability plays in the following:
Communication of patient data between devices and information systems (including electronic health records) in one facility? An integrated health delivery system? Across a region, state, country, or the world?
How does the presence of interoperability directly impact the day-to-day work of the healthcare provider/worker? The ability to share data to inform policy or support research?
What are some strategies that the informatics nurse specialist can use to maximize interoperability at local, state, national, international levels?
AND how will you apply the information and concepts from this course in your final MSN practicum project and your ensuing informatics practice?