NR 534 Week 2
NR 534 Week 2 Assignment: Advanced Communication in Systems Leadership
NR-534 Week 2 Discussion: Leadership Styles and Personality Types
Part 1: Individual
Identity your leadership style and personality typology using the following instruments:
Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid: Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire: Questionnaire.pdf
After completing the Blake and Mouton questionnaire results, my leadership style results show people 7.4 / task 6.8, which axis meet as a team leader.
Personality Typology Profile:
How would you communicate with someone who has an opposite type as you and with whom you are in conflict?
Part 2: With Your Group
Suppose your group is an ad hoc task force … with finding a solution for reducing call-outs by staff. Based on what you’ve learned about the communication attributes of each other, create a scenario that depicts how you envision communication and collaboration on this project among this group. Discuss what considerations might be taken … on how the different members give and receive information.