NR 511 Week 5 Assignment: Clinical Virtual Interactive Student Evaluation (VISE)
(NR 511 Week 5 Assignment)
- Summarize: Identify the chief complaint (CC) and present pertinent facts only from the history of present illness (HPI), review of systems (ROS), past medical history (PMH), medications, family history (FH), social history (SH), mental status exam, and interview. OLDCARTS
- Narrow the Differential Diagnosis: Identify three (3) possible diagnoses related to the summary above using appropriate medical
- Analyze: Rank the selected diagnoses and provide a rationale for each. Thoroughly uses substantial key positive and negative findings to argue for or against a diagnosis.
- Probe the Preceptor/Instructor: Identify learning gaps, points of confusion, or dilemmas by asking questions to tap into the preceptor or faculty member’s knowledge (3 questions)
- Propose a Plan: Propose a diagnostic plan to narrow the differential or confirm the diagnosis. Propose a therapeutic plan to manage the problem. Treatment, patient education. Follow-up? Preceptors/instructors will provide feedback on what was done well and what … improvement.
- Self-Directed Learning: Reflect on your What knowledge is … to provide an accurate and comprehensive client presentation