NR 393 Week 3 Course Project
Directions: Prior to completing this conversation, carefully review directions, tutorial, and rubric for this assignment. Replace “Name of Student” with your first and last name. Replace “Name of Selected Nurse” with Selected Nurse’s first and last name. Use exact words spoken by each person if using as a transcript. Highlighted italicized questions need to be stated exactly.
For Example:
Selected Nurse States Verbal Permission for Conversation and Submission (25 points)
- Student Introduction and Statement of Purpose (20 points)
- Selected Nurse Introduction (20 points)
- Selected Nurse States Verbal Permission for Conversation and Submission (25 points)
Questions and Answers
Question 1
Name of Student: What are your favorite memories of nursing school from your Student days?
Question 2
Name of Student: How did your first year of RN practice compare to your nursing practice today?
Question 3
Name of Student: What were some nursing practices that you used in your earlier years that are no longer used today? Why are they no longer used?
Question 4
Name of Student: How have specific persons or events significantly impacted your practice over the years?
Question 5
Name of Student: How have you impacted the nursing practice of others?
Question 6
Name of Student: What contributions have you made to nursing in the areas of leadership, provision of care, and/or evidence-based practice?
Question 7
Name of Student: What challenges in today’s nursing can … using lessons from the past?
Question 8
Name of Student: Who is your favorite famous Nurse from nursing history?
Question 9
Name of Student: How do you use that famous Nurse’s examples in your own practice?
Question 10
Name of Student: Based on your nursing past, what advice would you give to the new Nurse today?
- Gratitude (20 points)
- Summary (20 points)