MATH 225N Week 4 Assignment: Contingency Tables
- Question: Researchers … to study if wearing cotton clothes is … to depression they … a large group of people the data are … in the container engine see table below. what is the odds ratio for people wearing cotton cloth is being … against people not wearing cotton clothes being depressed? Round your answer to two decimal places.
- Question: Researchers want to study with other or not a fear of flying is … to a fear of heights this … a large group of people and … them whether or not they had a fear of flying or whether or not they had the fear of heights. that data are … in the contingency table below what is the odds ratio for people afraid of heights being afraid of flying against people not afraid of heights being afraid of flying? round your answer to two decimal places.
- Question: a group of 155 student at private universe fever. If they are full-time or part-time and if they have gym membership that dessert are … in the table about give that a randomly … survey participant is part-time what is the fidelity dad student has a gym membership. right answer in … fraction form
- Question: Fill in the following contingency table and find the number of students who both watch comedies and … dramas?
- Question: Fill in the following contingency table and find the number of students who both do not go to the beaches and do not go to the mountains?
- Question: Fill in the following contingency table and find the number of students who both read mysteries and Read comics
- Question: Researchers … to study if wearing cotton cloth is it is … to depression they survey a large group of people the data are … in the contingency table below what is the relative risk of wearing cotton clothes for those who are … round your answer to two decimal places?
- Question: 135 fitness Centre members were … if they run and if they lift weights the result is … in the table given that a randomly … survey participant does not run what is the probability that the participant lifts weight? Write answer in … fraction form.
- Question: given the contingency table below determine the marginal distribution of breakfast and lunch round your answers to the nearest Whole number? select all that apply
- Question: given the contingency table below determine the marginal distribution of Gold and Diamonds round your answers to the nearest Whole number? select all that apply.
- Question: given the contingency table below determine the marginal distribution of necklaces and rings round your answers to the nearest Whole number? select all that apply.
- Question: a study of drivers with speeding violations in the last year and drivers who … cell phones … the following fictional data?
- Question: find the probability that a randomly chosen person takes public transit to work given that the person does not support the environmental bill?
- Question: Given the content and see table below what is the probability that a randomly chosen organism is a snake given that the organism is poisonous type of fraction in simplest form
- Question: A group of 120 students at a private University … as if they are full-time or part-time and if they have gym memberships the result are … in the table above given that are randomly … survey participant is part time what is the probability that this student has a gym membership
- Question: Researchers … to study if having a long beak is … to flight in birds they … a total of 34 Birds. the data are … in the contingency table below what is the relative risk of having Long Beaks for those birds that fly? round your answer to 2 decimal places
- Question: Researchers … to study if having a long beak is … to flight in birds they … a total of 34 Birds. the data are … in the contingency table below what is the relative risk of having Long Beaks for those birds that fly? round your answer to 2 decimal places
- Question: Researcher … to study if couples having children are … large group of people the data are … in the contingency table below what is the relative rest of being … for those who have children around your answer to 2 decimal places.
- Question: Researcher … to study if couples having children are … large group of people the data are … in the contingency table below what is the relative rest of being … for those who have children around your answer to 2 decimal places.
- Question: Doctors testing a new antidepressant a group of patients all with similar characteristics, take part in the studies some of the patients receive the new drug while others … the traditional drug during the study and number of patients complain about infomania the data are … in the contingency table below what is the relative risk of Insomnia for those who receive the new drug round to 2 decimal places
- Question: A group of college freshmen are … with the voter registration advertisement and other group of freshmen arnott … The table below shows how many of these freshman … to vote what is the odds ratio for freshman … with the advertisement registering to vote against freshman not … with the advertisement registering to vote? does the advertisement … to have been successful round to 2 decimal places
- Question: Researches want to study whether or not a fear of flying is … to the fear of heights they survey a large group of people and ask them whether they had a fear of flying on whether or they had a fear of heights. the data are … in the contingency table below what is the relative risk of being afraid of flying for those who are afraid of heights?
- Question: Given the contingency table below determine the marginal distribution of the toys colours. round your answers to the nearest Whole number select all that apply
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