MATH 225N Week 2 Assignment: Stem and Leaf plots
- Question: A set of data is summarized by the stem and leaf plot below.
- Question: A set of data is… by the stem and leaf plot below. Ch 5.2.3: stem and leaf plots
- Question: A set of data is … by the stem and leaf plot below.
- Question: Which data set is … by this stem-and-leaf plot?
- Question: The ages of United States’ presidents … in the 20th century are … by the stem and leaf plot below.
- Question: Which of the following statements are true? Choose all answers that apply.
- Question: A set of data is … by the stem and leaf plot below.
- Question: A set of data is … by the stem and leaf plot below.
Stem 1 Leaf 266888999
Stem 2 Leaf 00112455567
- Question: A set of data is … by the stem and leaf plot below.
- Question: A set of data is … by the stem and leaf plot below.
- Question: The data below shows the stem and leaf plot of the number of counties in some U.S. states in 2013. Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply
- Question: Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply
- Question: A set of data is … by the stem and leaf plot below.
- Question: A set of data is … by the stem and leaf plot below. Stem1234Leaf012223567788990012223457777888000011134466790000111222366889
![Leaf plots Leaf plots]()