MATH 225N Week 2 Assignment: Frequency Tables and Histograms
- Question: The speed (in mph) of randomly … bicyclists were … as they were approaching a hill. The results are presented in the following histogram. How many of those bicyclists were traveling at least 8.5 and less than 11.5mph as they were approaching the hill?
- Question: Describe the shape of the given histogram.
- Question: Describe the shape of the given histogram.
- Question: The students in a first-grade class were all … to time how long (in seconds) they could hold their breath. The results were … and are … in the following histogram. How many of those students held their breath greater than 12.5 and less than 15.5 seconds?
- Question: Several people were … to report the number of hours of sleep they average per night. The results are … in the histogram How many of those people average greater than 4.5 and less than 6.5hours of sleep per night?
- Question: Given the following histogram for a set of data, how many values in the data set are greater than 5.5 but less than 8.5?
- Question: Given the following histogram for a set of data, how many values in the data set are greater than 10.5 and less than 12.5?
- Question: A professor gave students a test, and the distribution of the scores of the students is shown in the histogram below. What shape does the distribution have?
- Question: Describe the shape of the … histogram.
- Question: A professor gave students a test that was easier than usual. The distribution of the scores of the students is shown in the histogram below. What shape does the distribution have?
- Question: Describe the shape of the given histogram.
- Question: A restaurant is open for both lunch and dinner. One day, the owner kept track of the number of occupied tables in the dining area and created a histogram showing the results for each half hour of the day. What shape does the distribution have?
- Question: The histogram shows the income of the families of the students in a statistics class. What is the shape of the histogram?
- Question: A student surveys his class and creates a histogram showing the number of pets in each student’s house. What is the shape of the distribution?
- Question: The histogram below represents the prices of digital SLR camera models at a store. Describe the shape of the distribution.
- Question: A professor created a histogram showing the birth month of the students in one of her classes. What is the shape of the histogram?
- Question: A bookstore took an inventory of the prices of its books and … a histogram to show the results. What shape does the distribution have?
- Question: Describe the shape of the … histogram.
- Question: Describe the shape of the … histogram.
![Histograms Histograms]()