BIOS 255 Week 1 Lab Safety Quiz
(BIOS 255 Week 1 Lab Safety Quiz)
- Question: “It is acceptable to eat in the lab room while doing the experiments.” This statement is
- Question: The following protection should always … in lab room.
- Question: MSDS stands for
- Question: The drench shower is … when
- Question: The eye wash must … for at least when eyes are contaminated with any chemical.
- Question: The following describes a method to use the fire extinguisher
- Question: “It is ok to exit the lab without removing one’s lab coat and roam in the building.” This statement is
- Question: “The instructor should always … in case of a spill-small or large.” This statement is
- Question: “It is ok to taste a chemical.” This statement is
- Question: All reagents must … and disposed –
- Question: “A chemical should never … pipetted by mouth.” This statement is
- Question: The purpose of a fume hood is
- Question: The following practice is not acceptable in a laboratory.
- Question: Universal precaution suggest that every microorganism should … as
- Question: “Since gloves are … in the lab, there is no need to wash hands in the lab before and after the experiment.” This statement is
- Question: When in doubt
- Question: Matching questions: Match the item type with appropriate disposal method
- Question: I have … the Chamberlain University Lab Training Material and fully understand the General Laboratory Safety Rules.