(BIOS 252 Week 7)
BIOS 252 Week 7 Case Study Assignment: Thyroid
BIOS-252 Week 7 Endocrine System – Lab Assignment
BIOS 252 Week 7 Discussion Question: The Endocrine System
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Sarah hates her new student ID photo. She feels like her hair looks dry and the recent weight gain she has had shows. She thinks her neck looks fat and swollen. She has just been feeling very run down lately and mentally “dull.” She tells you, her friend, that she is just going to put on a turtleneck and take a nap in hopes it will all be better when she wakes up. You are concerned that there may be something else wrong. Should you suggest to Sarah that she do to the clinic and get checked out? If so, what symptoms do you suggest she share with her doctor and what part of the body do you think she may have a problem with?