Course Project: Human Eating Habits-We Are Killing Ourselves – The project focuses on the topic mentioned here regarding current trends and future predictions. Changes must happen in both human eating habits and food cultivation if the human race is to survive.
PHIL 447N Week 5 Course Project: Proposal & Outline
PHIL 447N Week 6 Course Project: Rough Draft
This week’s written assignment project is found with full directions in the Doc Sharing tab. A brief description is located in the Course Project tab under Course Home. You are to write the rough draft of your Course project. Your paper should be three to five pages double-spaced of the body text. The paper requires a minimum of five, good quality outside sources. It should follow APA formatting. Submit your draft to the Week 6 Dropbox. Write your draft in a Word document and save it with a filename SurnameLogicalWeek6.docx.
PHIL 447N Week 7 Course Project: Final Paper (Human Eating Habits)