NR 703 Week 3 Assignment: Simulated DNP Evidence-based Project Professional Leadership Capacity – Part 1
For the Week 3 and Week 7 assignments in NR-703, students must fabricate from experience a realistic clinical problem in a hypothetical practicum project clinical site, invent the probable gap in practice that would cause the problem, and conduct a simulated practice gap assessment in the imaginary clinical practicum project site. If possible, build this project on the work you created in NR-716 if the evidence you collected on Johns Hopkins Table applies to your simulated problem.
Complete the simulated Table 1: Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification on a simulated healthcare organization of your choice. The table is already attached as Table 1 in the assignment templateLinks to an external site.:
- NOTE: Both the Week 3 and the Week 7 assignment papers in NR-703 will be completed using this required
Complete the following sections of the template as directed in APA format:
- Introduction (1st paragraph of the template): Skip this section of the The introduction will be completed in Week 7.
- Problem: Using the information that you gathered on the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification (Table 1), describe the practice problem by explaining these elements:
- Describe a specific location (hospital unit, community health clinic, surgical suite, primary care practice).
- Identify the location (unit, clinic, ) and its key stakeholders (decision makers).
- Explain the practice problem as would be identified by the stakeholders and ensure that it is realistic, practical, small in scope, and can be managed by you as if it were an actual 8- week
- Practice Gap
- Ensure a thoroughly completed Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification Table is completed in the
- In 1-2 organized paragraphs, summarize your findings in table 1, the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification. Ensure the table remains after the reference list in the template, starting on its own page with the heading Table 1.
4. Practice Question: Define and briefly explain the project’s intended population, evidence-based intervention, and measurable outcomes (PICOT). Use the bulleted list in the template to provide your descriptions:
- Population: Describe the specific characteristics of the population that is the focus of the intervention, including the simulated unit, clinic, or healthcare location you have
- Intervention: Citing evidence listed in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool (Table 2), provide 1-2 sentences explaining what the intervention or intervention bundle should be from the evidence in Table 2; cite “see Table 2” in this section to refer the reader to the There should be three (3) references listed in Table 2 for this assignment that explicitly supports the intervention and/or the outcome (and its measurements).
- Comparison: State “compared to current practice” for this
- Outcome: Create and explain specific outcome measurements based on the current evidence you have collected in the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool (attached as Table 2). The source can be the same one used to support the intervention as long as it speaks to measurable outcomes. There should be three (3) references listed in Table 2 for this assignment.
- Time: Time frame for the project implementation (Practicum projects are typically eight weeks long).
- State the Practice Question: Example: (P) For the critical care team in X hospital’s ICU, (I) does the implementation of the medical sepsis protocol (C) compared to the current practice (O) reduce the incidence of medical sepsis diagnoses in ICU patients as measured before and after the intervention (T) over eight weeks?
- Under the template’s level 1 heading, “Leading the Practice-Change Project,”
- Complete the first section Interprofessional Collaboration in Leading Project Teams. Create your approach to implementing your hypothetical practice change project described in the Week 2 assignment with an interprofessional team, including how you will create a project environment of mutual respect and shared values and facilitate team roles and flexibility to perform effectively in the
- Conclusion: Skip this section of the The conclusion will be completed in Week 7.
- References
- Complete the reference page on the Assignment Paper TemplateLinks to an external
- Ensure each reference has a matching citation References & citations are formatted as required in the APA manual/Chamberlain Guidelines for Writing Professional Papers
- Include at least three (3) scholarly references at a minimum (that are those listed in the Johns Hopkins Table). Other references should be added to the reference list to support your
- Tables: Complete Tables 1 & 2 in the Assignment Paper Template after the reference liat.
- Table 1, the Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification is in the template in its proper position
- Table 2, the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool, should include a minimum of three [3] project sources which are research or systematic review references.
- Tables 1 and 2 are referred to in your paper, and Table 1 is cited before Table 2 so that they are mentioned in the correct order.