ENGL 117 Week 7
ENGL 117 Week 7 Assignment: Evaluative Essay Planning
Image Identification and Justification
In this section, identify the single image you have chosen to evaluate in your Evaluative Essay, and explain why you chose the reader and why an evaluation of the image will be important to your reader.
In this section, describe your overall purpose for writing about this image. What will you attempt to prove?
Your Criteria for Evaluation
Describe your 2-3 criteria for evaluation, and for each of those criteria and using specific details, provide two specific pieces of support for each criterion.
Rhetorical Appeals/Persuasion
In this section, Note at least one use in the image of logos, one of pathos, and one of ethos. Next, note at least one way in which you, in your writing, will appeal to your reader with logos, pathos, and ethos.
Part V: Credit Your Source
Create a full reference for the source from which you accessed this image. Try to trace your image as best as possible to the original source of publication.
ENGL-117 Week 7 Discussion: Analyzing Visual Texts
- Read the following in your textbook: “Adventures in Crime” by Amanda Archer (pp. 272-273). In complete sentences and with depth and detail, answer the following:
- What is the single, overall evaluation Archer is making (her thesis, her purpose, the overall idea she wishes the reader to understand)? Is it clearly and effectively stated and situated? Why or why not?
- What specific criteria does Archer use to evaluate her subject? Are these clearly presented?
- Where do you see Archer using and/or addressing logos, pathos, and ethos? Be clear in noting one instance of
- Next, begin work on your own evaluative essay by thinking and writing about your chosen image, your criteria for evaluation, your purpose, and your rhetorical
- Post three possible powerful images, including a link below each to credit their source. Keep in mind that these are not random images we pull from online or from a magazine; these must be important in some way, something iconic, famous, and/or used for a purpose, such as selling a product in a unique
- Note which image you feel you will likely evaluate in your essay and provide a sentence or two discussing what you hope to prove, what your purpose will
List 2-3 criteria by which you will evaluate your
- Note one element of logos, one of ethos, and one of pathos present in your