Select one of the following options for your initial discussion post.
Using the two research studies you appraised in NR715 and the one randomized control or quasi-experimental study you identified in Week 1 for the selected practice problem, write one paragraph where you apply the concepts of a synthesis. Using these three research studies and three non-research evidence sources, write sentences where you apply the concepts of synthesizing across research and non-research evidence in the same sentence.
Option 1: Use a synthesis of research study evidence and non-research evidence to write an introduction to your practice problem: Requirements include that you introduce the practice problem using a synthesis of research and non-research evidence and introduce an evidence-based intervention using research evidence | On paragraph
Option 2: Use a synthesis of research evidence and non-research evidence to write an analysis of the practice problem that include the significance, prevalence, mortality, and economic ramifications of the problem at the national level | one paragraph.
Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Students Resources Centre program page:
- Link (webpage): DNP Discussion Guidelines