(NR 293 Week 5)
NR 293 Week 5 Assignment – ATI: Pharmacology Made Easy: Cardiovascular System AIA
NR-293 Week 5 Discussion: Unfolding Case Study
Lillian has been on her medication for pneumonia for 24 hours. The physician says the pneumonia is improving, but she also is having an acute exacerbation of her COPD and a chronic irregular heart rate. Her vital signs are T 37C, B/P 140/87, P 82 and irregular, R 12, and pulse oximetry 92% on 2L O2 per nasal cannula. The physician is concerned about her blood pressure and wants to continue to watch it. She feels that Lillian will benefit from regular medication for her COPD while in the hospital and when she goes home. Lillian also is complaining of cigarette cravings and constipation. The physician is urging her to quit smoking. The physician leaves the following orders.
- Albuterol MDI two puffs every 6 hours
- Ipratropium MDI two puffs every 6 hours
- Nicoderm 7 mg/24 hr transdermal patch daily
- Bisacodyl 10 mg suppository now x1 then 10 mg po daily
- Bathroom privileges
- Respiratory therapist to determine the need for O2 at
- Cardiologist, B, to consult for irregular heart rate.
For your first post, answer all of the following questions about the unfolding case study. Remember that you must also respond to at least one peer in this thread.
- How does albuterol MDI work? Make sure to include the drug category, mechanism of action, onset and duration of action, and safety
- How does ipratropium MDI work? Make sure to include the drug category, mechanism of action, onset and duration of action, and safety
- How would the nurse properly administer the two MDIs when both have been scheduled at the same time of day?
- Lillian asks the nurse why she is on two inhalers for her COPD when she used to use just one. What points would the nurse want to cover to answer her question, considering her history of noncompliance?
NR 293 Week 5 Quiz 3 – Question/Answers
- Question: A patient is receiving an opioid via a PCA pump as part of his post operative pain management program. During rounds, the nurse finds him unresponsive, with respirations of 8 breaths/min and blood pressure of 102/58 mm Hg. After stopping the opioid in fusion, what should the nurse do next?
- Question: Intra venous morphine is prescribed for a patient who has had surgery. The nurse informs the patient that which common adverse effects can occur with this medication? (Select all that apply.)
- Question: A patient is recovering from general anesthesia. What is the nurse’s main concern during the immediate post operative period?
- Question: During a patient’s recovery from a lengthy surgery, the nurse monitors for signs of malign ant hyper thermia. In addition to a rapid rise in body temperature, which assessment findings, would indicate the possible presence of this condition? (Select all that apply.)
- Question: The surgical nurse is reviewing operative cases scheduled for the day. Which of these patients is more prone to complications from general anesthesia? (Select all that apply.)
- Question: A patient has been admitted to the emergency department because of an overdose of an oral benzodiaze pine. He is very drowsy but still responsive. The nurse will prepare for which immediate intervention?
- Question: The nurse will monitor the patient who is taking a muscle relax ant for which adverse effect?
- Question: A hospitalized patient is complaining of having difficulty sleeping. Which action will the nurse take first to address this problem?
- Question: A patient with narcolepsy will begin treatment with a CNS stimulant. The nurse expects to see which adverse effects? (Select all that apply.)
- Question: patient at a weight management clinic who was given a prescription for or list at (Xenical) calls the clinic hotline complaining of a “terrible side effect.” The nurse suspects that the patient is referring to which problem
NR 293 Week 5 Exam 2 on content from Units 3 & 4 (Practice Questions)
NR-293 Week 5 Exam 2 on content from Units 3 & 4
- Transdermal patch or cream
- Math question (possibly only 2 total math in total)
- Patient has a clot, does heparin dissolve the clot?
- Patient has meds by neb-cromolyn & albuterol, which do you give first?
- Anticoagulants, why is patient on heparin and warfarin at same time?
- Patient has asthma and is taking inhaled corticosteroid, they are to rinse mouth afterwards to avoid overgrowth or fungal elements within mouth
- Giving medications in suspension form, you must ALWAYS shake the bottle before drawing up the medication
- Epoetin stimulates RBC production
- Concept of tolerance-requiring larger dose of medication to obtain therapeutic effect
- Prednisone-treated for asthma
- Neuromuscular blocking agents-pancuronium
- Dry mouth due to medications
- Disulfiram-used to treat alcohol issues
- Emphysema
- Diagnosed with seizure disorder
- Iron supplement-ferrous sulfate
- Epoetin Alfa (Epogen)
- Warfarin
- Ferrous Sulfate
- Lithium-bipolar disorder (manic phase)Select all that apply
- Gout-prescribed allopurinol
- Alprazolam
- Giving morphine
- Warfarin
- Ferrous Sulfate
- Status Asthmaticus
- Do not give Aspirin to patient with gastric ulcers
- Aspirin decreases platelet adhesiveness
- Anti-depressants-fluoxetine
- Methylphenidate
- Disulfiram
- Alprazolam
- Lithium
- Overdosed on heparin
- Alprazolam for anxiety
- Valium/Diazepam-sleepy or dizziness
- Lithium-monitor sodium levels
- Withdrawal from alcohol
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
- Schizophrenia and long term treatment-develop tardive dyskinesia
- Take ibuprofen with food-stomach ulcers
- Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
- Cyclobenzaprine
- Expectorant (cough meds)
- Fluticasone (Flonase)
- Taking allopurinol
- Benadryl can relieve itching if taken orally, take it at night not to be bothered by drowsy side effects
- Never drink when taking Dilantin, as alcohol will increase risk of toxicity
- Levodopa, carbidopa, is given for treatment of Parkinson’s disease
- Albuterol is used for an asthma attack
- Corticosteroids are used to decrease inflammatory response within the body
- Atorvastatin
- Acute pain increases heart rate
- Narcan (naxloxone) is antidote for morphine
- Codeine can make you drowsy, monitor for orthostatic hypotension
- After giving injection of haloperidol (for schizophrenia) have patient lie down for half an hour
- Heparin
- Schizophrenia & taking anti-psychotic meds such as chlorpromazine
- Iron makes dark tarry stools-melena
- Simvastatin have to avoid grapefruit juice
- Big danger of acetaminophen is hepatotoxicity
- Lipid lowering drugs
- Overdose on benzodiazepine
- If a person is toxic on codeine what symptoms will we see?