(MGMT 404 Week 5 Quiz, MGMT 404 Week 5 Quiz)
- Question: Consider the programmers resource histogram … in Figure 8-3. If only six programmers are available to support this project, which of the following conclusions is valid?
- Question: Consider the programmers resource histogram … in Figure 8-3. How many programmers are … during the fifth week of this project?
- Question: Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) attempts to keep the most highly … resource busy on critical chain activities, but not
- Question: Even when a project team does not identify individual activities, it will still need to determine how many resources and what knowledge and skill each needs to complete the
- Question: The components (principles) of Critical Chain Project Management include which of the following?
- Question: Which estimating technique decomposes the work into lower, more … pieces, preferably the lowest level of WBS work elements, for which estimates are … and then aggregates them into a total quantity for the project?
- Question: Most projects will employ bottom-up estimating at some point to serve as a basis for estimating cash flow needs and for controlling the
- Question: The is the … budget, usually in a time distribution format, that is … to estimate, monitor, and control the overall cost performance of the project.
- Question: Fixed costs remain the same regardless of the size or volume of work, while variable costs vary directly with volume of
- Question: Vendor bid analysis is … to determine whether the price being … by the vendors appears to be reasonable.
- Question: Which of these is NOT one of the items that can provide useful assistance to a project team to define the activities of a project?
- Question: To use the enumeration method of determining the critical path, we list or enumerate all of the paths through the
- Question: A mandatory dependency is a logical relationship between activities that must happen – usually due to a physical or legal
- Question: The first process in developing a project schedule is to identify all the resources available to work on the
- Question: The schedule activity that determines when the logical successor activity can begin or end is … the :
- Question: As the project manager identifies potential resources to work on the project, it is helpful to consider their professional disciplines, skill levels and their physical location.
- Question: Project managers often confront the challenge of reducing excessive time commitments and overloads among project All of the following methods can … to reduce work overloads EXCEPT:
- Question: Consider the software programmer loading chart … in Figure 8-2. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the loading of the software programmer?
- Question: An example of fast tracking a project schedule would … to overlap the design and production phases for a design-to-production project, where the conventional approach would … to move on to construction only after completing the design
- Question: When determining resource availability, project managers need only consider full-time, internal
- Question: Costs that repeat as project work continues such as the cost of writing code or laying bricks are appropriately classified as:
- Question: Early in a project when very little detail is known about a project, it is impractical to render even a rough estimate of the final project
- Question: The component of the project management plan that describes how project costs will … the project financial plan.
- Question: Activity … costing allocates overhead (indirect costs) to … upon four different types of drivers. Which of the following is one of the cost drivers that serves as a basis of cost allocation?
- Question: Estimate Cost is the process of developing an approximation of the monetary resources … to complete project
- Question: Which of the following remedies may reduce the likelihood of omissions when developing activity duration estimates?
- Question: During which of the following Project Schedule Management processes does the team estimate the number of work periods that will … to complete a schedule activity, usually … as workdays or workweeks?
- Question: A mandatory dependency is a logical relationship between activities that must happen – usually due to a physical or legal
- Question: Faced with significant schedule challenges, the project manager has an ethical responsibility to do all of the following EXCEPT:
- Question: Even small delays on “near-critical” activities can change the critical path of a project.