(MGMT 404 Week 4 Midterm, MGMT 404 Week 4 Midterm)
- Question: (TCO 1) Which step of the project life cycle creates the project charter?
- Question: (TCO 1) Which document on a project authorizes the project manager to begin work on the project?
Week 1 Lecture
- Question: (TCO 2) Which step of the project life cycle defines all of the project deliverables?
- Question: (TCO 2) Which statement is an example of a project assumption?
Week 2 Lecture
- Question: (TCO 3) The critical path in a project describes which of the following?
Chapter 9
- Question: (TCO 3) What values are … on the forward pass of a project network?
Chapter 9
- Question: (TCO 5) In which process of risk management are proactive and reactive strategies considered?
Week 4 Lecture
- Question: (TCO 5) A risk matrix is used in to . A risk register is a .
Week 4 Lecture
- Question: (TCO 1) Compare and contrast the project charter and the project scope as used in project
Chapter 5 and Week 1 Lecture
- Question: (TCO 2) You are a project manager for a new hardware/software project. You just … the project charter and established your scope Within the scope statement, you defined some of the key components to meet the overall project objective. Establishing requirements will be critical to define and get approved. The hardware will be new for your company, so you will need to ensure the vendor is … and the hardware is appropriately … into your environment. The supporting software will need to … and coded. It will also need to … on the system. To ensure the users know how to use the new software, training will … needed for managers and the associates. You have … your team of experts and they are anxious to get started.
- Question: (TCO 3) Compare and contrast fast tracking and scope reduction as means of schedule
- Question 12: (TCO 5) A firm hosts eCommerce transactions for other companies. The firm processes credit purchases supporting most major credit cards and is … as an inexpensive alternative to other larger competitors. The firm is deploying new security software that is state-of-the-art for eCommerce. It should increase security while speeding up transactions because of the new security algorithms.
Part 1: List and discuss the major risk management functions from a project management perspective for the eCommerce project. (15 points)
Part 2: Describe a positive and negative risk event, the … consequences, and the risk response plans for the eCommerce project. (5 points)
Week 4 Lecture
- Question: (TCO 9) Compare and contrast how a scope is … in traditional project management versus one … in agile project management.