MGMT 404 Week 8 Course Project Part 4 (Sections G and Compilation of Sections A through G); The Getta Byte – New Billing System Project
(MGMT 404 Week 8, MGMT 404 Week 8)
Section A: The Project Charter
Section B: The Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Section C: The Communication Management Plan
Section D: The Project Scope Statement
Section E: The Project Schedule and Gantt Chart
Section F: Resource Allocation and Budget Reports
Section G: Risk Register
Continue working on your Word document and complete the Risk Management section of your Course Project – Section G.
To complete this section, follow the steps below.
- Locate the “G. RISK REGISTER” worksheet tab in the excel template … for this
- Review the video and the transcript located in The Getta Byte – Risk Management section of the Week 6 Introduction and
- The video has identified three individual project risks at timeframes [1:16] and [1:30], which has been entered as examples in the Excel The Excel worksheet has 4 negative and two positive risks examples in total.
- The student’s job is to identify 4 negative risks and 2 positive risks in addition to the examples provided in the Excel
- The risk register worksheet in the template contains instructions on “HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT”. Follow the instructions.
Submit your Word document and Excel worksheet after completing Part 4 of your Course Project.