Please use this template to help answer the questions listed in the lab instructions. The “steps” below refer to the steps listed in the lab instructions. Type your answers and post your screenshots in the spaces given below. Then, save this document with your name and submit it inside the courseroom.
Step 1. Gather Data
Your instructors will post 10 data values to use for this lab. The data values represent the HEIGHTS of 10 people. This data set is posted in the FILES area, in the “Lab Files” folder. (NOTE: This is NOT the data used in the lab video, which is about midterm grades. Do not use the midterm grades data.)
1a. Gather 10 MORE heights of your friends, co-workers, random people in the mall, etc. to add to the 10 provided by your instructor. Determine the mean and standard deviation for the 20 values by using the Week 3 Excel spreadsheet. (Round statistics to two decimals.)
Sample mean =
Sample standard deviation =
1b. Post a screen shot in the space BELOW of the portion of the spreadsheet that helped you determine these values. The screenshot should show ALL 20 pieces of data (10 that I gave you and 10 that you gathered on your own). Make sure the instructor data is listed first and then your data is listed under.
(post screenshot here… delete this line before submitting report)
1c. Answer the following two questions.
- How does your height compare to the mean (average) height of the 20 values?
- Is your height taller, shorter, or the same as the mean of the sample?
Step 2. Data Characteristics
Answer the following questions to give some background information on the group of people you used in your study. Write at least two sentences for each question.
- How did you choose the participants for your study? What was the sampling method: systematic, convenience, cluster, stratified, simple random?
- What part of the country did your study take place in?
- What are the age ranges of your participants?
- How many of each gender did you have in your study?
- What are other interesting factors about your group?
Step 3. Data Analysis
Answer the following questions. Use the Week 5 Excel spreadsheets to help analyze the data.
Empirical Rule
- Determine the 68%, 95%, and 7% values of the Empirical Rule in terms of the 20 heights in your height study. Below your values, post a screenshot from the Empirical Rule tab from the spreadsheet.
- 68% values of Empirical Rule:
- 95% values of Empirical Rule:
- 99% values of Empirical Rule:
(post screenshot here… delete this line before submitting report)
- What do these values tell you? (Write at least one )
Normal Distribution
3. Based on your study results, what percent of the study participants are shorter than you? What percent are taller than you? (Use the normal probability tab from the spreadsheet).
- Post a screen shot of the normal distribution from the Week 5 Excel spreadsheet to support your answer above..
(post screenshot here… delete this line before submitting report)
Step 4. Save and submit this document
Be sure your name is on the Word document, save it, and then submit it. In the assignment module, click “start assignment” and then “upload file” and “submit assignment”.