(NR 525 Week 7)
NR 525 Week 7 Graded Discussion: Presentation of an Instructional Method
Post your Topic Related to Instructional Strategies presentation here, which you submitted as a graded assignment from Week 6. NR525_W7_TD_Presentation of an Instruction Method (……………)
Adding the PowerPoint Show as a Response in the Discussion:
- When you are ready to share your Week 6 Graded Assignment presentation, select the REPLY in the Week 7 Instructional
Strategies presentation discussion, below. - Enter the Subject and a brief statement of your presentation. To add the PowerPoint Show, you will select Add/Remove File.
- You will see a popup allowing you to browse your computer to upload the presentation. Be sure to select the file that is a
“Show”. - Select the PowerPoint Show; note the icon is different from the Presentation file; you will see the presentation loading. Once
the file has loaded, you will see the attachment below the text box. - Select Post Response; Now you can view your own presentation and read your peers’ responses.
Please review and comment on two of the topics posted by two of your classmates. After viewing a presentation, respond to your peer, identifying the following:
What would you consider to be the two greatest strengths in each of the presentations and what are two areas for improvement in each of the presentations?”.
NR 525 Week 7 Graded Discussion: Students Rights (2 Variants)
You have some concerns about one of the students in your class. You have a good friend who is a faculty member in the English Department and you ask him to come to your private office to talk about the student. About ten minutes into the conversation, you turn toward the door and see the specific student standing in your office doorway. Obviously, she has been listening to the conversation for a while. Have any legal or ethical rights of the student … breached? Debate what you would do next?