(NR 525 Week 3 Case Study Discussion Part 1)
Part I of the case study opens on Sunday and will close on Wednesday of the week. You cannot add additional information to Part I once it closes on Wednesday. In this part of the case study you are to identify a minimum of 2 key questions for the student and 2 key questions for the faculty member that are relevant to the grievance. A rationale for each question is to be provided. A scholarly article supporting this part of the discussion is to be included in the initial post.
There is to be a minimum of 5 total posts.
- Part one of the case study: Initial post and peer response
Part I: Failure of the Skills Exam
You are the chair of the grievance committee at ABC Community College. On Monday morning, you open your email and find a grievance form from Susie Student. Susie is a second-semester nursing student at the college. The grievance form states that she has failed the Final Skills Exam on sterile technique. The Nursing Skills Policy states that if a student fails any Skills Exam, the student fails the course. Susie is challenging the failure, stating that the faculty member who observed and graded her performance used excessive personal interpretation of the skills and its published guidelines.
As the chair of the grievance committee, it is your responsibility to separately interview the faculty member who did the evaluation and Susie Student.
Questions for Part I:
- Identify specific questions that you would ask Susie and the faculty member. Identify a minimum of two relevant questions for Susie and two for the faculty member.
- Why are these questions relevant to the decision of the grievance committee?