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NR 360 Information Systems in Healthcare
NR 361 Information Systems In Healthcare
NR 391 Transcultural Nursing
NR 392 Quality Improvement in Nursing
NR 439 Evidence-Based Practice
NR 442 Community Health Nursing
NR 443 RN Community Health Nursing
NR 447 RN Collaborative Healthcare
NR 449 Evidence Based Practice
NR 451 RN Capstone Course
NR 500NP Foundational Concepts and Advanced Practice Roles
NR 501NP Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice
NR 503 Population Health, Epidemiology and Statistical Principles
NR 504 Leadership and Nursing Practice: Role Development
NR 505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based Practice
NR 506NP Healthcare Policy and Leadership
NR 507 Advanced Pathophysiology
NR 508 Advanced Pharmacology
NR 509 Advanced Physical Assessment
NR 510 Leadership and Role of the APN
NR 511 Differential Diagnosis and Primary Care Practicum
NR 512 Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics
NR 531 Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
NR 532 Healthcare Operational Planning and Management
NR 533 Financial Management in Healthcare Organizations
NR 534 Healthcare Systems Management
NR 552 Economics of Healthcare Policy
NR 553 Global Health
NR 554 Nurse Leader and Healthcare Policy
NR 601 Primary Care of the Maturing and Aged Family Practicum
NR 603 Advanced Clinical Diagnosis and Practice across the Lifespan Practicum
NR 630 Executive Practicum
NR 661 APN Capstone Practicum
PHIL 347 Critical Reasoning
PHIL 447N: Logic & Critical Thinking
POLI - Political Science
POLI 330N Political Science
PROJ - Project Management
PROJ 586 - Project Management Systems
PSYC - Psychology
PSYC 290 Lifespan Development
RELI - Religion
RELI 448N Comparative Religions
SOCS - Social Sciences